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Once Upon a Saga

What is it? Good question; It is a one-man journey to visit every country in the World in a single journey, without the use of flight while bringing some attention toward the well meaning people of the planet of which there are most. “A stranger is a friend you've never met before”.


thor somalia wide landscape


My name is Torbjørn C. Pedersen, which is a terrible travelers name. But that has never stopped me before - just call me Thor. I had already visited roughly every fourth country in the World before this project saw its first day – but now the time has come to go all in. However starting from zero and finishing with all!


I was born in Denmark of Scandinavian parents and soon after I was lifted up and carried to North America before returning home to Denmark years later. In Denmark I did my school and then my military service before finding my feet within shipping and logistics in the private sector. In the end of 2009 I became an independent businessman and after years of working on other peoples projects I have been able to create my own. With a lot of help from good friends that is! (read about the "project group" further down below).


I will be travelling to every country in the World! So how many countries are there?! That is an excellent question. The United Nations count 193 member states and 2 observer states. Many would argue the World holds 195 countries but that does not include every country I am going to. Now how is that possible?! Another good question. The world is a political place and while some countries claim to be sovereign states other dispute the same. You can find the list of countries I will be visiting under ‘journey’.


“If I were a rich man…” Flight would be the easy choice to visit many countries. But what is the fun in easy? This will be a surface journey by scheduled ground transportation; that is primarily trains, buses and boats of different sorts. I will not buy, borrow or rent a vehicle in order get from A to B and I definitely do not have a chauffeur. This way I will ensure a lot of time spent with locals and travelers alike – an amazing way to see the World!


Also I will spend at least 24 hours in each country and I aim at not returning home before I have completed the journey. 


This project is in part financed through personal funding, in part by your generous donations and in part by Ross DK and Geoop. information relating to making donations to the Danish Red Cross can be found on their webpage. In 2013 I was made Goodwill Ambassador of the Danish Red Cross and have as of today visited and brought attention to the movement in 185+ countries.


So please ride along and follow this great adventure while it unfolds. Welcome one and all! 


Thor ;)

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On and off I enjoy various support from these 3 friends which along with me is known as the "project group".
They all have full time jobs and family to attend to, but yet somehow they also manage to support the Saga when called for. Wonderful people! :)
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Ann-Christina Salquist is the owner of SALQUIST where she assists and supports small and medium sized companies and startups on how to develop, build and run projects. Read much more about her here: LinkedIn.


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Søren Vestergaard is the Client Service Director at SKABERTRANG, which offers Integrated communications solutions ranging from strategic thinking to conceptual development and from online communication to tangible printed matter. Read much more about him here: LinkedIn.
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Parth Nilawar is Co-Founder of the WonderLives Organization, Head of Design/Product Experience, Public Speaker and a Conscious Parenting Evangelist. Read much more about him here: LinkedIn.
Together we keep on keeping on! ;)